Collection: Hero Dog Treats

Hero Dog Treats supportS Canadian Service Dogs, military veterans and just like The 870 Tactical Supply Company, gives back to the community.

Designed by Veterans for our K9 friends, Hero Dog Treats are natural, and sourced from government-inspected facilities.

At Hero Dog Treats, they like to say, what you see is what you get. A chicken foot is a chickens foot and a duck foot, a ducks foot. Producing a wide range of products from bully sticks to duck wing to chicken necks, The 870 Tactical Supply Company is proud to distribute these products exclusively to our Manitoba clients for use both at work and at home.

The 870 Tactical Supply Company has partnered with Hero Dog treats to provide you and your HERO the best possible quality and most affordable 100% natural dog treats.

Like us, Hero Dog Treats seeks to provide you with the best quality, with outstanding service for affordable prices but most importantly, the very best quality and freshness.

Hero Dog Treats